The Green Home – Green Directory
The Green Home Directory features businesses across the UK that are doing their bit for a greener world. This can be sourcing their goods from organic and sustainable sources, or using renewable energy and fairtrade products. Our aim is to help promote their good work, and spread the word about the green products and services out there.
This is the Potato Council’s website especially for teachers and children. Find out how to grow potatoes, where potatoes come from and how to cook them. There’s more to potatoes than meets the eye!.
Eco-Schools is an international award programme that guides schools on their sustainable journey, providing a framework to help embed these principles into the heart of school life.
RECOUP is the national charity developing plastics recycling in the UK, promoting best practices and providing educational and training tools.
Our parent company the Samuel Grant group is the largest privately owned distributor of general packaging materials in the north of England.
Waste Aware Scotland is a national campaigning programme aiming to change public attitudes and behaviour towards waste.
WRAP’s mission is to accelerate resource efficiency by creating efficient markets for recycled materials and products, while removing barriers to waste minimisation, re-use and recycling.
At Building Design News you will find comprehensive news articles associated with the construction industry.