Dobson 1500

From: £669.00

Short Description

The Dobson Bench, part of the Northumbrian range, stands out with its innovative interlocking design and contemporary aesthetic. Crafted with precision, its unique construction seamlessly melds form and function. The interlocking elements not only enhance structural integrity but also create an eye-catching visual effect, adding a modern touch to any space. The design also includes a thoughtfully designed backrest, ensuring not only a striking appearance but also enhanced comfort for those who enjoy its stylish presence. This bench represents a harmonious blend of artistry and practicality, making it an ideal choice for outdoor settings. A range of colours are available upon request. Metalwork comes in Black as standard but can be powder-coated upon request to a bespoke RAL colour.

Made from 100% recycled plastic, the product is maintenance free, does not rot, corrode or splinter and comes with a 25 year construction guarantee. There is no staining or varnishing required, and the product can be left outdoors all year round.

The Dobson Bench, part of the Northumbrian range, stands out with its innovative interlocking design and contemporary aesthetic. Crafted with precision, its unique construction seamlessly melds form and function. The interlocking elements not only enhance structural integrity but also create an eye-catching visual effect, adding a modern touch to any space. The design also includes a thoughtfully designed backrest, ensuring not only a striking appearance but also enhanced comfort for those who enjoy its stylish presence. This bench represents a harmonious blend of artistry and practicality, making it an ideal choice for outdoor settings. A range of colours are available upon request. Metalwork comes in Black as standard but can be powder-coated upon request to a bespoke RAL colour.

Recycled Plastic Bench.

Weight 90 kg
Dimensions 150 × 44 × 84 cm

Beige, Black, Grey

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SKU: dobson-1500